Support System
Texas Rising Star helps children reach their full potential. It is a voluntary quality-based child-care rating system of child-care providers participating in the Texas Workforce Commission’s subsidized child-care program. The benefits of Wilma’s Little Darlins Daycare with Texas Rising Star Certified consist of online professional development, one-on-one mentoring, and increased child subsidy reimbursements. Licensed centers, licensed child-care home providers, registered child-care home providers, and child care providers operated by the U.S. Military can apply for the benefits through Texas Rising Star. One major focus of Texas Rising Star is to enhance star-level reimbursement for daycare providers. As the provider meets each level of certification, the provider receives compensations above the standard board maximum rate at the following levels (up to the provider published rate).
Workforce Solution serves the Houston-Galveston Area is full of opportunities. Leverage Workforce Solutions’ extensive knowledge of the local labor market to access the talent, employment opportunities, and resources needed to compete in today’s economy. Local TRS child-care providers that are nationally accredited and meet Texas School-Ready! standards, including Texas Rising Star to provide financial aid to parents to assist with (child-care).